Civil 3d Curb Ramp Design
Curb ramp design with feature lines
Last updated: 2020-10-26
Total video time: 68:00
Curb ramp standard detail drawings: Curb Ramps 8D5
Roadway Model Requirements: FDM 15-5-7.2
Curb Ramp Requirements: FDM 11-46-10
WisDOT Civil 3D Project Data Workflow Map
Civil 3D Project Folder Structure: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.1
Civil 3D Object and File Abbreviation Standards: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.2
Civil 3D Drawing Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.3
Civil 3D Object Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.4
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Delivery goals
- Curb ramp surface models
- Used for plans production curb ramp detail sheets.
- Verifies to the designers the intended curb ramp will fit within design tolerances
- Not required for projects per FDM 15-5-7.2 Table 7.2
Concept overview
- Create non-dynamic models using corridors with feature line/grading tools
- Early curb ramp design could mean re-design if roadway design changes
- Best suited for use with preservation projects with static roadway designs and retrofit curb ramp situations
- Applicable to full roadway designs late in the design process
- May be required to update the curb ramp design if roadway design changes
- Overall, the concepts and workflows described here can be applied to any curb ramp type and configuration.
Workflow overview
- Curb Ramp Design with Feature Lines
- Create curb and gutter flange alignment
- Create curb ramp horizontal geometry
- Create/verify curb existing and proposed profile
- Create curb corridor and curb cuts
- Create curb corridor surface
- Create curb ramp refinement surface
- Create curb ramp feature lines
- Assign feature line elevations
- Add slope intercept gradings and boundaries
- Inspection
- Create data shortcuts
- Curb ramp detail sheet
- Curb Ramp workflow map
Sample Project Data
Sample project data should be downloaded and extracted to C:\WisDOT\Design\c3d. For subsequent versions of files as the training moves on, copy the individual files into the folders as structured in the zip files.
Project Data Basics
Xref Overview
Xref Topography files (and other files)
Data Shortcut Overview and Process
Data Shortcut Reference Alignments
Curb and gutter alignment
- Survey of the curb ramp design area
- Main roadway reference alignment is created
- Existing ground surface is created.
Alignment creation
The source of the curb and gutter flange alignment for full roadway design and rehabilitation projects should be in ProjectID\Design\AliProf\AliProf-XX.dwg, which also contains the main roadway alignments and any roadway feature alignments used design and plans production. Those alignments are then data shortcut referenced into the curb ramp design drawing.
Curb and gutter flange alignment
Open ProjectID\Design\AliProf\AliProf-XX.dwg.
Home tab > Create Design > Alignment > Alignment Creation Tools
- Name: Int-Margaret-NE-Flag
- Type: Miscellaneous
- Style: RDWY Curb&Gutter Flange
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- OK
Info: Curb Return alignments do not allow the creation of offset alignments from the source alignment. If superelevation control is anticipated for the curb and gutter flange alignment, use Centerline. For this training, SE control is not required, so Miscellaneous is used.
- Draw lines along the gutter using Fixed Lines
- Extend the alignment beyond the area where the curb ramp is (Outside of the radius points)
- Draw an approaching tangent by snapping on the reference
- Draw a departing tangent at the other end of the radius
- Use the Free Curve Fillet (Between two entities, through point) to snap on the approaching tangent, then the departing tangent then a place on the radius
Curb and gutter back alignment
Create offset line from alignment at 2.5' (width of curb and gutter)
- Home tab > Create Design > Alignment > Create Offset Alignment
- Choose the flag alignment to create the offset from.
- Create offset alignments dialog:
- Offsets name template: Int-Margaret-NE-Back
- Station Range: Leave both checked
- No. of offsets on left: 0
- No: of offsets on right: 1
- Incremental offset on right: 2.5
- Alignment Style: RDWY Curb&Gutter Back
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- OK
Info: For plans production, you may also want to create a curb and gutter face alignment, which is then data referenced into pavt.dwg and other plans drawings.
Tip: Open the data shortcut menu. Create a folder under centerline alignments named Curb Returns to organize the curb and gutter flange alignments together.
Create Data Shortcuts
- Save the drawing
- Manage tab > Data Shortcuts > Create Data Shortcuts
- Select the newly made curb and gutter alignments
- OK
Curb ramp horizontal geometry 1
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The curb ramp horizontal geometry should be developed in ProjectID\Design\AliProf\AliProf-XX.dwg. The curb ramp horizontal geometry will be constructed using Miscellaneous Alignments and then data referenced into the curb ramp design model drawing and plan sheet drawings. Develop the horizontal geometry based on the latest Standard Detail Drawings.
- Open ProjectID\Design\AliProf\AliProf-51.dwg,
- External Reference PM.dwg
- WisDOT Tools tab > Manage Panel > Xrefs > Load Xref on Layer
- Navigate to ProjectID\Design\Edgelines\PM.dwg
- Open
- WisDOT Tools tab > Manage Panel > Xrefs > Load Xref on Layer
- Using AutoCAD tools, create lines and polylines on layer P_Misc_NoPlot
- Home tab > Layers Panel > Layers drop-down > P_Misc_NoPlot
- Using AutoCAD lines, offsets, and dimensions, create drafting lines that represent the sidewalk and curb ramp edges, grade breaks, and tapers based on the standard detail drawings.
Curb ramp horizontal geometry 2
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Create edge of sidewalk alignment
The edge of sidewalk alignment will be used downstream in the curb ramp model drawing and plan sheets drawing.
- Home tab > Create Design > Alignment > Alignment Creation Tools
- Name: CR-Margaret-NE
- Type: Miscellaneous
- Style: RDWY Sidewalk
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- OK
- Use the Alignment Layout tools to draw the edges of sidewalk
- Fixed Line (Two Point)
- Tangent-Tangent (No Curves)
- Fixed Curve (Three Point)
Create sidewalk joint alignment
Create alignment that represents anticipated grade change joint locations, including lower landing, ramp, upper landing, and sidewalk tie in locations.
- Home tab > Create Design > Alignment > Alignment Creation Tools
- Name: CR-Margaret-NE-Joints
- Type: Miscellaneous
- Style: RW Proposed-SlopeIntercepts
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- OK
- Use the Alignment Layout tools to draw the edges of sidewalk
- Fixed Line (Two Point)
- Tangent-Tangent (No Curves)
- Fixed Curve (Three Point)
Create Data Shortcut Folders
- Toolspace > Prospector > Alignments > Miscellaneous Alignments
- Right-click Miscellaneous Alignments > Create Folder
- New Folder Name: Curb Ramps
- OK
- Right-click Miscellaneous Alignments > Create Folder
- New Folder Name: Curb Ramps - Joints
- OK
- Ctrl+Select the curb ramp alignments (CR-XXÂ).
- Click and drag into the Curb Ramps folder
- Ctrl+Select the curb ramp joint alignments (CR-XX-JointsÂ).
- Click and drag into the Curb Ramps - Joints folder
Create Data Shortcuts
- Save the drawing
- Manage tab > Data Shortcuts > Create Data Shortcuts
- Select the newly made curb and gutter alignments
- OK
- Save and close the drawing
Curb ramp model drawing
- New drawing using wisdot18.dwt
- Save As: ProjectID\Design\Corridor\CurbRamps.dwg
- Create Data References
- Main roadway alignments
- Curb alignments flange alignments and profiles (if available)
- Existing surface and proposed design surfaces (if available)
- Curb ramp and curb ramp joints alignments
Tip: Utilize group referencing to reference multiple data shortcuts at once. Options are as follows: - Right-click the objects or folders that contain the objects. Click Create Reference. - Select the objects or folders that contain the objects and drag them from the Prospector tree into the drawing. - Note: You can create multiple references at once by using Shift+click or Ctrl+click to select the data shortcuts.
- Attach External References
- WisDOT Tools Ribbon > Manage > Xrefs > Load Xref on Layer
- Topo-ex.dwg: Existing Topography (if needed)
- Uti-ex.dwg: Existing Utilities (if needed)
- Proposed Storm Sewer Inlets (if applicable) (if needed)
- Ult-RW.dwg: Existing and Proposed Right of Way (if needed)
- PM.dwg: Pavement Marking (if needed)
Curb and gutter existing profile
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Home tab > Create Design > Profile > Create Surface Profile
- Alignment: Int-Margaret-NE-Flag
- Select Surface: Exist
- Add
- Profile List > Style column: PROF-Existing
Draw in Profile View
- Create a profile view for the alignment
- General
- Profile View Name: PV - <[Parent Alignment]> (Optional)
- Profile View Style: Stations 100' Major:50' Minor (Optional)
- Station Range: User specified range
- Start: 5-10' less than lowest station value
- End: 5-10' greater than highest station value
- General
- Profile View Height: User specified
- Minimum: 1-2' lower than the minimum shown on Automatic
- Maximum: 1-2' higher than the maximum shown on Automatic
- Profile Display Options:
- Style Column: Double check the correct style is selected
- Labels: _No Labels
- Create Profile View
- Digitize in model space to place the profile view, typically near the location of the curb ramp.
Curb and gutter proposed profile
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Full roadway model projects
A curb and gutter radius design profile may already be developed for the roadway corridor design.
- Data reference the profile into the curb ramp design drawing.
Preservation projects
Preservation projects typically do not have curb and gutter radius profiles designed for the intersections due to the scope of the project. For curb ramps, a design profile is required to develop a corridor that represents the curb and gutter that will be constructed at the curb ramp locations.
- Home tab > Create Design > Profile > Profile Creation Tools
- Select the profile view created in the previous step
- Name: <[Alignment Name]>
- Profile Style: PROF Proposed
- Profile label set: WisDOT Standard
- OK
- Use the Profile Layout tools to design a profile that closely matches the existing surface profile for the entire length of the alignment
Verify the profile design at curb ramp locations
Check Roadway Cross Slopes At Crosswalks
- Refer to FDM 11-46-10.1.1.
- Verify that the roadway longitudinal slope (cross walk cross slope) at is no more than 1.5%.
- If the intersection is signalized or uncontrolled, the main roadway can maintain its profile.
Check Curb Radii Profiles
- Verify that the curb radii profiles do not exceed 1.5% at the crosswalk locations.
- A quick way to verify these locations is to create AutoCAD points where the crosswalk intersects the curb flange alignments.
- Then, project these points to the curb radii profile views.
- Adjust the curb radii profiles as needed.
Create points
- Change display style for points: DDPTYPE
- Choose the style, set as absolute units and size to 1
- Place AutoCAD points at key locations- the tapers and bottom of curb ramp
- POINT Enter
- Digitize points for the critical locations on the curb ramp
- Project the points to Profile View
- Home tab > Profile & Section Views > Profile View > Project Objects to Profile View
- Select the points along the curb ramp Enter
- Select the target profile view
- Project Objects to Profile View
- Style: Basic
- Elevation Options: Refinement Top Surface for Full Roadway project, Exist for preservation projects.
- Label Style: <none>
- OK
- Review the locations of the curb ramp and verify the slopes meet the requirements of curb ramp cross slopes. Make the adjustments to the curb return profile as necessary.
Tip: When designing the curb profile for a main roadway corridor, it is important to think about curb ramp placement before doing any curb ramp design. This will minimize any issues when designing the curb ramps.
Project data reset
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The first portion of this training was completed in one location of the sample project data to demonstrate best practices for creating curb and gutter geometry and curb ramp geometry for preservation projects. The training will now work in a new location, pre-established to show a more complex curb ramp design, using data from a full roadway design project (Refinement Surface and Proposed Profile). The workflow described here on out is the same for all types of projects.
Curb and gutter corridor
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Create Assembly
- Home Ribbon > Create Design > Assembly > Create Assembly
- Name: Curb Ramp
- Assembly Type: Other
- Assembly Style: WisDOT Standard
- Code set style: CRDR Proposed
- OK
- Digitize, in an open area, the location of the Assembly
- Turn on palettes (if turned off)
- WisDOT Design Ribbon > Manage & Support > Palettes ON/OFF
- Add curb subassembly
- WisDOT Design Ribbon > Assemblies & Subassemblies > WisDOT Subassemblies > Roadway tool palette> CGBasic subassembly
- Properties
- Modify the CGBasic parameters to match project requirements
- Side: Right
- Curb and gutter size
- Curb Type
- Gutter slope method (Standard = 4%)
- Subgrade Width = 0'
- Terrace Width = 0'
- Click the Assembly baseline to place the subassembly
- WisDOT Design Ribbon > Assemblies & Subassemblies > WisDOT Subassemblies > Roadway tool palette> CGBasic subassembly
Create Corridor
Home Ribbon > Create Design > Corridor > Corridor
- Name: 2nd-NW (SideRdQuadrant)
- Corridor Style: RDWY Proposed
- Baseline type: Alignment and profile
- Alignment: Int-2nd-NW-Flag
- Profile: 2nd-NW-Flag
- Assembly: CurbRamp
- Set baseline and region parameters: checked
- OK
Set the starting and ending stations to the limits of the curb ramp construction
Adjust the frequency.
- Along tangents: 2.0'
- Curve increment: 2.0'
- Vertical Profile Points: Yes
- Add corridor frequencies at key locations
- Within the Frequency dialog box click
- Digitize the intersection of the curb ramp taper and curb ramp lines with the curb and gutter back alignment (also represented by the AutoCAD point)
- Enter
- OK
- Within the Frequency dialog box click
Open a second view for 3D viewing
View > Model Viewports > View Port Configuration > Two: Vertical
Orbit about the corridor to develop the 3D view
View > Navigate 2D > Orbit
Determine additional key elevation locations along flange
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For plans productions, addition corridor frequencies are needed at the curb return quarter points and the locations of the cross walk. Add additional corridor frequencies at these locations.
- Curb return geometry points
- Freeze the Corridor Layer
- Find curb quarter points
- Draw an arc along the arc portion of curb return: Home Ribbon > Draw Panel > Arc > 3-Point
- DIVIDE Enter
- Select the arc
- Number of segments: 4
- If needed, change the display style for points: DDPTYPE
Choose the style, set as absolute units and size to 1
- Select and Delete the arc
- Turn on or attach as an external reference the Pavement Marking Drawing (PM.dwg), which displays the cross walk lines.
- Thaw the Corridor Layer
- Create additional corridor frequencies at the quarter points and cross walk locations.
Corridor surface
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- Select corridor > Contextual ribbon > Corridor surfaces
- Surfaces tab > Create a corridor surface
- Name: Crdr-2nd-NW (Crdr-SideRdQuadrant)
- Display Style: _No Display
- Add data > Data Type > *Feature Lines* > Specify Code
- BackCurb
- FaceCurb
- Flange
- Flowline_Gutter
- TopCurb
- Boundaries tab > Right-click Crdr-2ndNW > Add Interactively
- Digitize/click the start of the corridor on the flange line.
- On the window, choose the Flange feature line
- Digitize the end of the corridor flange, making sure the red preview line appears prior to clicking.
- If prompted, Feature line = Flange
- Digitize/click the backcurb adjacent to the last location selected (the end of the corridor)
- Featureline = BackCurb
- Digitize/click the start of the corridor on the back of curb
- If prompted, Feature line = BackCurb
- Enter To finish the boundary creation process
- Digitize/click the start of the corridor on the flange line.
- OK
- Surfaces tab > Create a corridor surface
Create refinement surface
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- Home > Create Ground Data > Surfaces > Create Surface
- Name: Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top (Rfnt-SideRdQuadrant-Top)
- Style: Top Border
- Toolspace > Surfaces > Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top > Definition > Right-Click Edits > Paste Surface > Select the Corridor Surface Crdr-2nd-NW
- Toolspace > Surfaces > Right-Click Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top > Rebuild - Automatic
Curb cut for curb ramp
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Info: The subassembly used to build the curb and gutter corridor is built to read a profile that represents the curb height while the corridor remains dynamic to the profile. The WisDOT custom tool Slope/Width Control Editor will be used to define the profile that represents the curb height and curb cut.
WisDOT Design > WisDOT Assemblies & Subassemblies > Slope/Width Control Editor
Create Tab: Used to create the profile
Alignment: Int-2nd-NW-Flag (Choose the alignment representing the flange at the curb ramp)
New Profile Name: ZCP - 2nd-NW-CurbHeight
Stations: Leave the default (Limits of the alignment)
Start Slope/Width: 0.5 (represents the curb height in feet)
End Slope/Width: 0.5
Tip: If the alignment is not available in the drop-down list, Refresh All
Edit tab
Alignment: Choose the alignment for the curb ramp location: Int-2ndNW-Flag
Control Profile: ZCP-2nd-NW-CurbHeight (default unless there are other ZCP profiles for the alignment)
Add custom station and curb height locations for the key curb cut locations along the alignment
Click the station picker button
- Working down-station to up-station, digitize the different points along the alignment and define a curb height in the Slope/Width: box.
- Begin Taper: 0.5
- End Taper - Curb Ramp Bottom: 0
- Begin Taper - Curb Ramp Bottom: 0
- End Taper: 0.5
- Add to table after each geometry point. The new point/elevation/curb height will be listed in the table on the right.
After all geometry points have added, the profile definition within the drawing must be updated: Update Profile from table
- Move or close the Slope/Width Control Editor to view the corridor.
- Add the profile to the corridor through target mapping
- Select the corridor > Edit Targets > Select the curb and gutter region to edit
- Target mapping
- Curb height from profile: click <none> to edit the target
- Alignment: Int-2nd-NW-Flag
- Select Profiles: ZCP-2nd-NW-CurbHeight
- Add>>
- OK
OK to update and rebuild the corridor. Curb cuts and changes to the curb height profile will change automatically with a corridor rebuild.
Review curb flare slopes and update curb cuts
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The curb cut tapers for the curb ramp need to meet Standard Detail Drawing requirements. At the time of publication of this training, the taper must not exceed a 10:1 slope.
Review Slopes
Add slope labels on the top of curb.
- Annotate Tab > Add Labels
- Feature: Surface
- Label Type: Slope
- Slope label style: Slope Percent
- OK
- Select the Refinement Surface: Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top
- T for Two Point (or select Two Point)
- Digitize two points that establish the slope label
- Do not snap to any objects
- Digitize somewhere between the ramp bottom and top of curb cut
- Digitize somewhere between the Curb Face and Curb Back
- This allows for room for adjustments to curb cuts and ensures an accurate representation of the curb taper is labeled.
Update curb cuts
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Any slopes on the curb cut tapers greater than 10% will need to be adjusted so the curb cut slope is less than 10%.
- Open the slope control editor and adjust the stationing of the top of curb cuts to extend the curb away from the bottom of the ramp, to flatten the slope.
- Update Profile from Table
- Rebuild the Curb and Gutter Corridor
- Review slope labels to verify changes were made.
Create points at updated curb cut locations
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Add profile labels to curb and gutter alignment
- Select curb and gutter flange alignment > Right Click > Edit Alignment Labels
- Type: Profile Geometry Points
- Profile Geometry Point Label Style: WisDOT Standard
- Add>>
- Profile Points
- Select Profile: ZCP-2ndNW-CurbHeight
- Deselect all geometry points
- Select Point of Vertical intersection
- OK
- OK
Add extra frequencies to corridor
- Select Corridor > Contextual ribbon > Edit Frequency
- In modelspace select the corridor region to edit the frequency
to create additional frequencies at the adjusted profile PVIs
Move points to profile PVI locations
- Select and move the previously created AutoCAD points to the updated locations as determined by the profile geometry point alignment labels. Snap to the corridor frequencies.
Update curb ramp horizontal geometry
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Copy points to curb ramp horizontal geometry drawing
- Select the Autocad points > Right-click > Clipboard > Copy
- Open ProjectID\Design\AliProf\AliProf-XX.dwg
- Right Click > Clipboard > Paste to Original Coordinates
Adjust curb ramp horizontal geometry
- Select the curb ramp horizontal geometry alignment. Adjust the taper grips to the new locations.
- Save and close the AliProf-XX.dwg.
- In CurbRamps.dwg, synchronize the curb ramp horizontal geometry alignment.
Extract corridor feature line
Create a site
- Prospector > Right-click Site > New...
- Name: 2ndNW
- OK
Extract feature line
- Select corridor > Contextual ribbon > Launch Pad > Feature Lines From Corridor
- Select the back of curb feature line
- Enter
- Extract Corridor Feature Lines dialog box
- Uncheck all feature lines except BackCurb
- Site: 2ndNW
- Leave defaults for Style, Layer, and Pay Item
- Settings...
- Dynamic link to corridor: checked
- Apply Smoothing: unchecked
- Name: checked, BOC
- Code Set Style: CRDR Proposed
- OK
Create curb ramp feature lines
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Tip: To minimize errors created from incorrect object snapping, it is recommended to hide (Right click > Isolate Objects) the curb and gutter corridor.
Home > Create Design > Feature Line > Create Feature Line
- Site: 2ndNW
- Name: Lower Landing
- Style: Unchecked
- OK
Trace the lower landing as shown in the image below.
Info: It will prompt for an elevation every time a line is drawn. Enter to use the default for now.
- Repeat for the remaining curb ramp feature lines, tracing the shapes of the features as shown.
- LowerLanding
- Ramp
- Taper1 and Taper2
- Upper Landing
SidewalkFront1 and SidewalkFront2
Tip: Use a circle to find where the tie in location will be. Typically, the distance is 2 or 3 sidewalk panels from the upper landing to tie into the existing ground or roadway design top surface.
SidewalkBack (One continuous feature line)
Assign feature line elevations
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Lower Landing
- Select the LowerLanding feature line > Contextual ribbon > Elevation Editor
- Feature lines now elevations can now be set relative to a surface. For the lower landing feature line, it is recommended to set the begin and end elevation point to relative to surface
Within the Elevation Editor, under the Relative to Surface drop-down, select the curb ramp corridor surface (Crdr-2ndNW)
- Another column will be added to the elevation editor. Change the first and last station point from Absolute Elevation to Relative to Surface
- The grade of the lower landing can be no greater than 1.5%. Set the [Grade Ahead]{.underline} at station 0+00 to 1% and the other automatically changes.
If the other slope is greater than 1.5%, the grade ahead or grade back values need to be adjusted to meet the requirements.
- Click the green check mark to finish the changes
- Select the Ramp feature line > Contextual ribbon > Elevation Editor
- The ramp can have a maximum slope of 7%.
- Change the first [Grade Ahead]{.underline} of Station 0+00 to 7%.
- Change the [Grade Back]{.underline} of the last station to 7% as well.
Adjust the slopes if needed to maintain a less than 1.5% cross slope. In the example, the cross slope is 0.35% and is acceptable.
- Click the green check mark to finish the changes.
Upper Landing
- Select the UpperLanding feature line > Contextual ribbon > Elevation Editor
- The upper landing may not exceed 1.5% in any direction. Change the [Grade Ahead] for Station 0+00 to 1%.
- Change the [Grade Ahead] of the last station to -1%.
- In the example, a small kink required the first two station's to be set a 1%.
Adjust the slopes to meet the (less than 1.5%) slope requirement.
Sidewalk Match
- Select one of the SidewalkFront feature lines > Contextual ribbon > Elevation Editor
The last two stations should match the existing surface (for preservation projects) or the refinement surface (for reconstruction projects). These stations represent the tie in location on the sidewalk.
Select the last two stations in the elevation editor (Ctrl+click)
Click the Elevations from Surface button
- Select the target surface (Exist for preservation, Rfnt-Top-All for reconstruction/full roadway model projects)
- The back of sidewalk automatically connects
- Repeat with the other sidewalk.
- In instances where there is a kink in the sidewalk between the upper landing and the sidewalk tie-in-point, use the Set Grade/Slope between points from the feature line contextual ribbon.
Select the feature line > Contextual Ribbon > Edit Elevations > Set Grade/Slope between points
Click one end of the feature line in question to choose the first elevation to set the grade from. Watch for the PI green triangles to highlight as the cursor moves.
- Enter to accept the elevation
- Click the other end of the feature line that has a correct elevation.
- Enter to accept the elevation
- The feature line will be graded between the two points that were selected, and intermediate points between the two points will have automatic elevations assigned.
Review the longitudinal slopes of the feature line segments connecting the upper landing and the tie in point to verify it is less than 7%. If greater than 7%, extend the location of the tie in location to another known sidewalk joint for preservation projects or at distance that represents the standard sidewalk panel lengths.
Add feature lines to refinement surface
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- Toolspace > Sites > 2ndNW > Right-click Feature Lines > Add to Surface as Breakline...
- Select the curb ramp refinement surface: Rfnt-2ndNW-Top
Accept the defaults
Surface inspection
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Annotate tab > Add Labels
- Feature: Surface
- Label Type: Slope
- Slope label style: Slope Percent
- Add
- ADDSURFACESLOPELABEL: Select a surface or Enter to select the surface from list
- Choose refinement curb ramp surface (Rfnt-2ndNW-Top)
- OK
- ADDSURFACESLOPELABEL: Create Slope Labels or [One-point Two-point]
- Click Two-point or type "t" and Enter
- Digitize first and second points in different locations to create slope labels
- Landings
- Ramps
- All sidewalk edges and joints
Used to verify design and make sure slopes are within requirements.
Pedestrian curb
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Some curb ramps may require a pedestrian curb at the back of sidewalk to better match the existing ground. After designing the main curb ramp and sidewalk tie in, review the location of the existing ground to determine if a pedestrian curb may be required. If no pedestrian curb is required, move on to slope intercept gradings.
Create pedestrian curb feature lines
Modify Ribbon > Edit Geometry panel > Stepped Offset
- Specify the horizontal offset: HORIZONTAL DISTANCE: 0.01 Enter
- Select the SidewalkBack feature line
- Specify the side to place the offset feature line
- Specify the elevation difference: ELEVATION: 0.5 Enter
A feature line 0.01' to the back and 0.5' above the back of sidewalk feature line will be created on the same site as the source feature line.
If required, shorten the feature line to better match field conditions. In the example, the curb ramp pedestrian curb will be constructed throughout the limits of the curb ramp.
Modify Ribbon > Edit Geometry panel > Break
- Select an object to break: Select the offset feature line.
- Click First Point on the command line
- Specify first break point: Select the location where the pedestrian curb will terminate.
Specify second break point: Select the end-point of the feature line to be deleted.
Adjust the slope of the offset feature line
To transition the curb from 0 at an end of curb ramp to the desired pedestrian curb height, use the set elevation by reference command
Modify Ribbon > Edit Elevations > Set Elevation by Reference
- Specify the reference point: Select the end of back of sidewalk
- Object to Edit: Select the offset feature line
- Specify point: Select the end of the offset feature line (the location to adjust the elevation)
Specify grade: 0
Create a stepped offset for the back of curb
- Modify Ribbon > Edit Geometry panel > Stepped Offset
- Specify offset distance: 0.49 Enter
- Select the top-front of curb feature line
- Pick the side to offset the line to.
- Specify elevation difference: 0.00 Enter
Add pedestrian curb feature lines to refinement surface definition
- Select the refinement curb ramp surface > Contextual ribbon > Modify panel > Add Data > Breaklines
- Description: PedCurb
- OK
- Select the two pedestrian curb feature lines
Slope intercept grading
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The goal of this portion of the workflow is to create a grading slope between the back of the curb ramp and the existing ground. This grading can be constructed from the back of sidewalk or the pedestrian curb, if the curb ramp requires a pedestrian curb.
Create grading at the back of sidewalk/pedestrian curb
Toolspace > Prospector > Sites > *2ndNW* > *Right-click* Grading Groups > New...
- Name: Grdng-2ndNW
- Automatic surface creation: checked
- Use the Group Name: checked
- Surface Style: Rock Triangles
- Tessellation Spacing: 2.5'
- OK
- Create Surface dialog: OK
Home > Create Design > Grading > Grading Creation Tools
- Select Grading Group
- Site Name: 2ndNW
- Group Name: Grdng-2ndNW
- Select Target Surface: Exist
- Set Grading Criteria: Grade to Surface
- Select Grading Group
Create Grading button
- Select the feature:If applicable, select the back of pedestrian curb feature line
- Select the side of the feature line to construct the grading
- Apply to the entire length? No
- Depends on project conditions and feature line that is the source of the grading
- Cut Format: Slope Enter
- Cut Slope: 10:1 (Specify desired cut slope) Enter
- Fill Format: Slope Enter
- Fill Slope: 10:1 (Specify desired cut slope) Enter
- Repeat step 3 for remaining back of sidewalk or back of pedestrian curb feature lines. Every curb ramp may be different for the types and slopes of gradings.
- For the example, a 10:1 slope (cut or fill) is constructed for a primary portion of the design. The north end will transition to a 4:1
- Add the constant slope gradings (10 and 4:1) at each end.
Connect with a "transition" grading.
- Select the Grading Surface > Contextual Ribbon > Surface Properties
- Information Tab > Surface Style > _No Display
- OK
Add grading surface to the refinement surface
- Select the surface Rnt-2ndNW-Top > Contextual ribbon > Edit Surface > Paste Surface
- Select Grdg-2ndNW
Refinement surface boundary
crdr-ele-crb-rmp-25.mp4 5:32
- Adjust the curb and gutter limits to within the limits of the curb ramp
- Select the curb and gutter corridor
- Shorten using the diamond Grip
- Select the surface *Rfnt-2ndNW-Top* > Contextual Ribbon > Surface Properties > Surface Properties
- Information Tab > Default styles > Surface Style > Top Triangles
If applicable, add Elevation Points on the sidewalk feature lines to create triangles and tie in locations between the sidewalk and curb and gutter
- Select the feature line > Contextual Ribbon > Edit Elevations panel > Insert Elevation Point
- Specify the location of the elevation point - snap to a nearby desired location. The elevation will automatically be calculated and the sidewalk grade will remain constant.
Enter to accept the elevation
- Change active layer to P_Surf
- Home Tab > Layers Panel > Layers drop-down > P_Surf
Draw a polyline through the triangles that should be removed. The polyline does not have to be perfect, it just needs to cross the triangles that need to be removed from the surface definition.
- Select the refinement surface > Contextual Ribbon > Add Data > Boundaries
- Name: Outer
- Type: Outer
- Non-destructive breakline: Unchecked
- OK
- Select the boundary polyline > Enter
Turn the refinement surface back to the Top Border style.
Create refinement surface data shortcut
crdr-ele-crb-rmp-26.mp4 3:11
- Toolspace > Prospector > Right-click Surfaces > Create Folder to create folders to organize the different curb ramp surfaces. Example folders are as follows:
- Curb Ramp Crdr
- Curb Ramp Grading
- Curb Ramp Refinement
- Drag and drop the surfaces to their respective folders.
- Toolspace > Prospector > Data shortcuts
- Make sure the design project is the active data shortcut project.
- Right-click Data shortcuts > Create Data Shortcuts
- Rfnt-2ndNW-Top: checked (and any other refinement curb ramp surfaces)
- OK
Add curb ramp design alignments to pavement drawing
- Open ProjectID\Design\Edgelines\pavt.dwg
- Toolspace > Prospector >Data Shortcuts > Alignments > Miscellaneous Alignments > Curb Ramps folder
- Right-click CR-2ndNW > Create Reference...
- Alignment style: RDWY Sidewalk
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- OK
- Repeat for remain curb ramp edgeline alignments as needed. Utilize data referencing of selected groups of objects.
- Right-click CR-2ndNW > Create Reference...
- Toolspace > Prospector >Data Shortcuts > Alignments > Miscellaneous Alignments > Curb Ramps > Joints folder
- Right-click CR-2ndNW-Joints> Create Reference...
- Alignment style: RW Proposed-SlopeIntercepts
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- OK
- Repeat for remain curb ramp joint alignments as needed. Utilize data referencing of selected groups of objects.
- Right-click CR-2ndNW-Joints> Create Reference...
- Save and close pavt.dwg
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Civil 3d Curb Ramp Design
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